How To Deal With Rejection

Rejection comes in many forms, in a letter saying you weren't admitted to your dream school, a call from a job saying that they found someone else, or even face to face from a mate/partner who told you that you no long fit in their lives. It happens! Its definitely isn't a good feeling but you can't just sit around feeling bad about yourself all day, so what do you do?

  1. ACCEPT IT- understand if there was something you could do about it hopefully you'll be doing it now and not reading this. You can't force someone to love you, you can't force a school to accept you and you cant force a job to hire you. So accept it and realize maybe this isn't for you at this moment of your life and concentrate on what you can change.
  2. ANALYZE IT- Most times when you've been rejected you'll get a reason why? If not it's okay to call and ask why. Even if you don't get a cut clear answer think abut what you could have done differently? Do you need more experience? Get it. More knowledge about the particular job? Find it. Work on your attitude? Change it. Whatever it is find out what you need to do and improve on that particular aspect.
  3. TRY AGAIN- Now that you've analyzed and improved now its time to implement what you've learned. Try again! You may or may not try again with the same company or the same companion but never give up on the essence of what your striving for. With relationships it maybe love or support. With school it maybe the programs offered. With your job it maybe a particular position or financial benefits. There are many people out there waiting to find someone to love, many schools that offer the same programs, and there are many of the same positions out there waiting to be filled. So what are you waiting for?

    Life is a journey not a race. Its okay to stop and cry or even ask for direction but realize you got places to go and people to see, and really who wants to spend all there time at a rest stop anyways? So take a moment and breathe deeply....breathe again....and one more tell your self "I GOT THINGS TO DO TODAY!" And now continue on your journey to success!

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