5 Ways To Get Motivated

  1.  Read Motivational Books/Blogs/Articles- books such as Massive Dose of Motivation, and blogs such as Self-Improvement-Saga will help you along your day to get focused and motivated.
  2. Listen to Motivational Audio- whether it be motivational music or listen to your favorite motivational speaker, listening to something uplifting will be sure to get you motivated especially if you don't have time to sit and read. A great place to listen to motivational audio is at Achievement Radio
  3. Hang around positive people- sometimes we don't realize it but we are surrounded by a lot of negative people, people that shoot down our dreams, jokingly, without even knowing it. Surround yourself with people that are encouraging and determined to reach their goals just like you are. A good place to meet people is at MeetUp.com
  4. Follow Positive or Motivational People on Twitter- Members such as Motivationlive, Bob_D_Proctor, and Thinktosucceed, are just a few of the many positive people I follow. Looking at my timeline from my cell phone is literally an instant motivation. If you don't have twitter, try it out and you'll be surprised how many positive people are out there.
  5. Look Within- Be your own motivation. Be your biggest fan and your biggest motivator. You deserve it, if your not going to do it for yourself, who are you doing it for? Treat yourself to success. At the end of the day no matter how many books you read, people you hand around, music you listen to or people you follow on Twitter on you only you motivate yourself to actively get up and pursue your dreams. Do it for you, do it for your future, do it because you deserve it!

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