Feeling Lost

In life sometimes we go through stages where we feel unsure of our purpose, start to question why we are here, or whats the point, overall just feeling lost and get stuck. Which makes sense because if we knew the answers we wouldn't be sitting contemplating and questioning ourselves. Unfortunately there is not a GPS to life we can turn on to tell us where to go next. So what do we do?

  • Call Someone- call someone you can talk to that will mostly listen and help you sort out your thoughts. Remember that this is YOUR life so don't expect them to have the answers either. Their main role is to help you by listening and giving you ideas that can help you get on the the right path that suits YOU. This is also great for venting and getting all these thoughts out of you head. Chances are you've been arguing and contemplating with yourself all day trying to figure out where to go and this should help you feel a little more sane knowing that someone is there to answer back
  • Write- they say your deepest thoughts come out when you write. You don't need to have anything in particular to write about. Just writing about anything that comes to your head no matter how dumb it may seem at first even if it "I don't know what to write..." Start with that and continue. Be honest with yourself and don't hold anything back. Don't read it all until your all done. You'll be surprised what your end product will be when you open up and just write and what you'll find out about yourself and how your truly feeling.
  • Pray Out Loud- Whoever and whatever higher power you believe in take a moment and pray out loud to them. Its a combo of venting and relief. You can now be open with yourself out loud with the security of knowing that God or your high power you believe in will help you find your way. You may not receive the answer you want right there and then but you will definitely feel refreshed after.
  • Get Out- Most times when we feel lost we tend to dwell on it. Makes sense because we want to be on our way, in our minds we believe we are missing out and have things to do, the problem is we don't know what that "stuff" is, which is the main reason we are feeling lost. But us sitting in the house dwelling on it usually impacts in a very emotional and negative way. So get out the house,  have fin, interact with other people. "Wait shouldn't I be trying to find my way?" Yes, true, but your lost and to fully find yourself it will take a little time and your not finding the answers you need sitting in the house so you may as well have some fun in the process. This will also help keep your mind open to other options and directions you can take to get to your next destination.

Being lost is not a bad thing rather its an opportunity to find a better destination. Gives you a chance to explore a different directions. Gives you an option to choose where you want to go until you find a place you want to make an a destination that fully suits you. This is an opportunity to try new things, go different places, meet new people to help YOU find YOU. Think of this as a road trip, when your on a trip (or when you have your goals thoughtfully planned out) we usually have tunnel vision, you know where you want to go and you go straight there, because that's where you want to be and barely even take bathroom breaks because we want to get there in a hurry. But during this road trip we have yet to find where we truly want to be, the car is gassed up and no one wants to feel like they are at a standstill or wasting time so get moving. Take a class that interest you, read a book, meet new and different people, listen to new music, discover new things you may never have known to help you find exactly what you want to do so you can type it in your goal GPS and get there. When your lost remember that you can only be found, loster is not a word, I looked it up, so find yourself during this ride, and enjoy it and know that soon you'll find your destination, and one that you know you want to be.

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Cleaning the House in 4 Steps

I spent most of yesterday cleaning my house,which is a total of 6 rooms. Since this is a chore I've been neglecting for the past two weekends because of going to various functions (excuse) but it got so out of control I didn't know where to start. Should  I wash clothes, should I wash dishes, should I start in the front, should I start in the back, should I pick up trash, do I even have any more trash bags?!? It was overwhelming and frustrating so my first reaction was to crawl back into bed and pretend I never thought about cleaning up today. Knowing that wouldn't solve anything and it would only get worse if I put it off, I decided to get a piece a paper and try to strategize what my next move would be.

  1. Find Main Objective of Goal: Clean the House
  2. Break Goal Down in Smaller Goals: 6 Rooms to Clean and listed the rooms from smallest to biggest
  3. Break Smaller Goals even SMALLER: In each room I made a to-do list of everything that had to be done, example  for the kitchen: wash dishes, sweep floor, mop floor, check fridge, take out trash.
  4. Action: Now you know what you need to do, just do it!
By breaking down my goals I now felt more in control of the situation. I knew exactly what I had to do and reality was it wasn't that hard to do once I seen it on paper. Eventually room by room got cleaned, well I neglected the laundry room but that's another story lol but I know what needs to be done, I just have to work on step four.

With this method you can do more than clean your house, you can do anything your willing to plan out, no matter how big your dreams or goals are, you can do it. It may take a while but every time you cross something off your to-do list just know your a step closer to your goal. Every once in a while you may have a task like my laundry room and you may have to take a step back and break those goals down smaller, its OK go for it, actually I think that's what I'm about to do now :). Now you know 4 easy steps to achieveing your goals are you going to accomplish?

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Dear Self,

I will work on my attitude. I will be patient, I will be kind, little things and ignorant people I will look over. Only I can change my attitude. Only I can decide if I am happy or sad. Only I can control me! And today I decide that I will be happy. Today I decide that my attitude will be amazingly bliss. Things can happen, I know they will, I accept that. But I am bigger than any problem, obstacle or minor mishap. I am ME! I am an amazing being, I am fun, smart and have a great personality and my attitude about life needs to imitate that. From today forward my attitude is a positive one. I may slip from time to time, I may get mad but once i re-evaluate how great I am, and how glad I am to be me no matter what my situation maybe. Some people wish the could even obtain problem that I have, so my mind set is thankful. Thankful that I know I will get through it. "Problems of today are rarely problems of tomorrow" (Unknown)

My attitude is unstoppable, it will uplift others, and will motivate me to be even better. My attitude is more than live, laugh, love. Everyday I'm living I am loving someone and instead of laughing at others I laugh at my own mistakes because I know I do better next time. I am also living to inspire and make a difference in others. My attitude WILL reflect that! What does your attitude reflect?

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Finding A Way

There were a millon of reasons for me not to write today. My $60 dollar "clear" internet service was down, I have to work in about 2hrs, my phone key pad is acting up, I still havent eaten for the day and the list continues. But I found a way to post this by downloading a blogger application to do this and here you have this message to read.

There are a million reasons that today you may have neglated doing something that you wanted or needed to do but its not too late you can still find a way to get it done. There will always be a way and I encourage to find yours. Times there will be obstacles internet down, no time, ect. but you have three choices you can climb it, go around it, or let it stop you. Climbing it will take more work but will be your fastest option. Going around it will take less work but more time. And of course if you let it stop you, you wont get anything done.

What option are you taking with your obsticals of excuses? Are you letting them stop you from being the person you want to be or doing the things you need to do? Or are you getting ready for a journey to success? Whether or not you choose to get your hiking boots and rope to climb your obstacle or you gas up the car for a drive around it just make sure you find your way to your goals and more importantly get it done!

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Through The Rain

On rainy days like this, I always think about the day I went with my best friend Jasmyne and her mother to Missouri to drop her off to college. On the way back from this twelve hour journey to Texas it started raining. It was a little a first which quickly turned into a downpour followed by tornado warnings. I never seen rain like this, nor a tornado, and I definitely didn't want to. It started raining so hard people began pulling over to the side of the road because of the massive amount of wind and rain, but Ms. Carolyn just kept driving despite the extreme measures. I asked her after it seemed we were the only car still driving on this highway if we were going to stop. She said no, there's a tornado coming and I'm trying to get home. I laughed, I trusted her judgment and I was ready to get these 12 hours out the way anyways. Then I asked her "well where's the tornado coming from?" She replied that she wasn't sure very nonchalantly. I then started wondering if we should have pulled over along with the rest of the cars, what if we driving into the tornado? It's not like we could see up ahead, it was cloudy and it was raining so hard the windshield wipers couldn't keep up, I couldn't see how she could even see, which is probably why many cars pulled over. Not even 15minutes later after the rain slowed, the sun came out, and created a cute little sun shower until the rain finally stopped. I smiled. We were the only car on the road. I looked back and saw the grey clouds we came out of and thought good thing we kept driving.

Sometimes in life its going to rain, and it may get so bad that you don't see a way out of your situation, these are the times in life you got to decide are if you are going to stop and sit in it or are you going to keep on driving through the rain?

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