Dear Self,
I will work on my attitude. I will be patient, I will be kind, little things and ignorant people I will look over. Only I can change my attitude. Only I can decide if I am happy or sad. Only I can control me! And today I decide that I will be happy. Today I decide that my attitude will be amazingly bliss. Things can happen, I know they will, I accept that. But I am bigger than any problem, obstacle or minor mishap. I am ME! I am an amazing being, I am fun, smart and have a great personality and my attitude about life needs to imitate that. From today forward my attitude is a positive one. I may slip from time to time, I may get mad but once i re-evaluate how great I am, and how glad I am to be me no matter what my situation maybe. Some people wish the could even obtain problem that I have, so my mind set is thankful. Thankful that I know I will get through it. "Problems of today are rarely problems of tomorrow" (Unknown)
My attitude is unstoppable, it will uplift others, and will motivate me to be even better. My attitude is more than live, laugh, love. Everyday I'm living I am loving someone and instead of laughing at others I laugh at my own mistakes because I know I do better next time. I am also living to inspire and make a difference in others. My attitude WILL reflect that! What does your attitude reflect?
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